
2022MSc ThesisValeria MartinezPropuesta de un esquema de modificación de los Refugios Pesqueros y Puntos Control de El Rosario e Isla Natividad link
2021Climate Science AllianceAbadia, Beas, Lorda, Malpica, ZepedaMexCal: Monitoring ad enhancing the resilience of temperate social-ecological systems link
2021Proceedings BHamilton, Saccomanno, Beas, teal., Mass mortality events leads to a widespread extirpation of marine predator link
2021Conservation LettersMalpica, Abadía, Aquino, Beas etal.Empowering fishers for Great White Shark stewardship link
2021Msc ThesisLucia RodriguezInvasiones simultaneas de macroalgas en un bosque de sargazo gigante link
2021PlosOneSchlenger, Beas, Ambrose, Forecasting Ocean Acidification response on kelp forests link
2021MscAlanh HernandezEvaluación de las acciones de “transplante” de erizo rojo como estrategia de manejo de la pesquería en el Rosario Baja California. link
2020MA ThesisAndrea Paz LacavezKelp forest local response to environmental variability link
2020Ciencias MarinasBauer, Beas, Lorda, etalTesting ocean warming solutions for red abalone Haliotis rufescens mariculture PDF
2020Global Change BiologyBeas, Micheli, Lorda, etal.Geographic variation of kelp forest communities to recent climatic changes PDF
2020Bs ThesisCarmen ValdezCaracterización de dos sistemas socio-ecológicos insulares en Baja California, Mexico PDF
2020PhD DissertationOmar SantanaCaracterísticas poblacionales del Tiburón Blanco en Isla Guadalupe PDF
2020Msc ThesisAbraham GonzalezEfectos de la variabilidad ambiental en la comunidad de peces en la laguna costera Los Peñasquitos PDF
2020Journal of phycologySanchez, Sandoval, et al., BeasMHW and light deprivation in juvenile kelps PDF
2020Ciencias MarinasLorda, Beas, MalpicaBuilding bridges not walls: the past, present, and future of international collaboration PDF
2020CopeiaSantana, Abadia, Malpica, Beas, etal.The smallest free-living white shark PDF
2019Msc ThesisJeremie BauerCrecimiento del abulón rojo en cultivos multitróficos con pepino de marPDF
2019NaturePearse, etal., AbadiaSex dependent migration in rainbow trout Link
2019Jorunal of Fish and WildlifeAbadia, Brodsky etal.Anadromy, Dams and Steelhead Broodstock Link
2019La Jornada del CampoZepeda, Malpica, Lorda, BeasThe collective action of northwestern fisheries PDF
2019PMCHerndez-Ayon, Chapa, Oliva, etal., BeasOcean acidification in Mexican seas PDF
2019FrontiersCavanaugh, Reed, Bell, Castorani & BeasSpatial variability in the resistance and resilience of Giant KelpPDF
2019PMCBeas, Lorda, Malpica, et al.Kelp forests in Temperate ReefsPDF
2019FrontiersArafeh, Montano, etal., BeasExtreme MHW in Baja IslandsPDF
2019Marine Biodiversity RecordsLonhart, Beas, Lorda, et al., First records, range shifts associated with warm water anomalies PDF
2019Journal of Shellfish ResearchBauer, Lorda, Beas, et al.Multi-trophic aquaculture of green abalone PDF
2018BS ThesisAndrea Paz LacavezEvaluación de la dinámica de los bosques de kelp en Bahía Todos Santos PDF
2018FoodWebsVilalta, Beas, et al. Mass Balanced Food Web Model for a Kelp Forest at Isla Natividad link
2018PMCPaz, Beas, LordaKelp primary production at Bahía Todos Santos PDF
2018Env Sci and PolAburto., et al., BeasHarnessing cross border resources to confront climate change PDF
2018PLOS OneTeck., et al. Quality of a fished resource link
2018BiodiversitasHernandez A., Beas R., et al.Los Bosques Sumergidos de MéxicoPDF
2017Sintesis Nacional PMCLorda J., et al. Variabilidad en pH en 3 lagunas costeras link
2017HydrobiologiaG‚rard C., et al. Range source for trematode parasite of mudsnail link
2017BioscienceHughes B.B., et al. Long-term studies in disproportion to ecology link
2017Biological ConservationTeck S.J., et al. Effects of fishing and env. Forcing in an exploited species. link
2017Report of SFEI – ASCSafram S.M., et al. Tijuana River Valley historical ecology. link
2017Sintesis Nacional PMCBeas-Luna R., et al. Monitoreo de arrecifes en Baja California link
2016Cons GenAbadía-Cardoso A., et al.Genetic Analysis of trout in SoCal link
2016U.S.-Iran Symposium on WetlandsCrooks J.A., et al.Bio invasions into coastal ecosystem link
2016EcosphereLorda J., et al. IGP by shore crabs affecting horn snails link
2016RSL: Biological SciencesDolby G.A., et al. Paleohabitat and genetic study on subtropical coasts link
2016FisheriesPenaluna B.E., et al. Conservation of native pacific trout diversity link
2016UCSBTeck S.J., et al. Assesing marine resources link
2015MalacologiaBonel N., et al. Variability of the invasive mussel across habitat and season link
2015FIAD-UABC EnsBeas-Luna R.Monitoreo ecol¢gico en B.C. link
2015PlosOneAbadía-Cardoso A., et al.Genetic structure of Pacific trout link
2014Final Report for CDFWJacobson S., et al. Genetic analysis of trout in SoCal link
2014Bot MarinaBeas-Luna R., et al. Differences of giant kelp and an herbivore at south range link
2014Journal BiogeographyHopper J.V., et al. Parasite diversity in marine whelk link
2014EcologyCavanaugh K.C, et al.Approach to solve mega-patch problem link
2014Proceedings of NASCavanaugh K.C, et al.Expansion of mangroves response to extreme cold link
2014PlosOneBeas-Luna R., et al. Database for informing ecosystem models link
2014Proc Rr Soc Bbiol SciPearse D.E., et al. Parallel evolution associated with rainbow trout link
2013MalacologiaBonel N., et al. Differences between two populations of Llimnoperna fortunei link
2013Ecology and SocietyEspinoza-Tenorio A.M., et al. Holistic fisheries management: modeling an ecosystem in Mex link
2013Marine BiologyClemente S., et al. Effect of habitat refuges on predators of sea urchins link
2013Ciencias MarinasTorres-Moye G., et al. Benthic community structure in SoCal kelp forest link
2021Marine PolicySantana, Hoyos, Medellin, Beas, Malpica, LordaCarrying capacity study of white shark cage diving in Guadalupe Island link
2013Mol EcolAbadía-Cardoso A., et al.Parentage analysis of steelhead link
2012PlosOneGuti‚rrez N.L., et al. Eco-label on fish stock health link
2012Mol Ecol ResourPritchard V.L., et al. Disagnostic markers to discriminate trouts. link
2012UCSCBeas-Luna R., et al. Kelpforest Database link
2012Journal Ex. Marine Bio and EcoLorda J., et al. Shading and abundance of horn snail link
2011Global Change in BioByrnes J.E., et al.Increases in frequency simplify kelp forest link
2011Geophys. Res. Let.Woodson C.B., et al. Internal wake packets propagating along-shelf in MB. link
2011Marine Eco ProgressCavanaugh K.C, et al.Environmental controls on kelp biomass in SBC link
2011Front in Eco & EnAltman I., et al. Ecosystem-based management in the Gulf of Maine link
2011EcologyReed D.C., et al. Disturbance of top-down and bottom-up production in kelp forests. link
2011Mol Ecol ResourAbadía-Cardoso A., et al.SNPs in steelhead/rainbow trout link
2011EcologyHechinger R.F., et al. Food webs for 3 estuaries in California link
2011Mol Ecol ResourClemento A.J., et al. Discovery and characterization of SNPs link
2010Marine Eco ProgressCavanaugh K.C, et al.Scaling kelp measurements to regional scales link
2010Ecological Applications Teck S.J., et al. Estimation of marine ecosystem vulnerability link
2010Marine Con Series (ONMS-10-02)Abramson L., et al. Ecosystem-based management: from theory to practice link
2009Conservation LettersHalpern B.S., et al. Mapping cumulative impact in marine ecosystems link
2008NatureKuris A.M., et al.Eco energetic implications in 3 estuaries link
2007Marine BiologydeRivera C.E., et al. Larval development expansion of an introduction crab link
2006SpringerRuiz G.M., et al. Maritime canals as invasion corridors link
2006UNHTeck S.J., et al. Shell morphology and resistance to predation in NE link
2005ParasitologyLafferty K.D., et al. Trematodes associated with mangroves link
2001Tropical BiologyRios-Jara E.M., et al. Gastropods and bivavles of commercial interest in Mexico. link