Rodrigo Beas

I am a quantitative and field marine ecologist focusing on the sustainable management of coastal marine ecosystems such as kelp forests.  I founded MexCal as a Bi-National effort between Mexico and the US.

I am currently a professor at the Facultad de Ciencias Marinas (FCM) at the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC). I was previously a  Stanford postdoctoral researcher at Hopkins Marine Station in the Micheli Lab, and completed my PhD at the University of California in Santa Cruz.



My research interests include:

– Ecosystem wide effects of fishing in coastal rocky reefs.
– The effects of climate change in kelp forest food webs.
–  Range expansion and species interactions in complex coastal ecosystems: The Southern Sea Otter example.
– Long-term, large-scale monitoring programs.
– The effect of marine protected areas in coastal ecosystems.
– Open-source, open-access ecological databases.
– Conservation actions to enhance community functions, structure, and resilience.

Check my personal website for more detailed information.